Monday, August 23, 2010

Ushers Needed for High Holy Days

While we'd love to have Usher, the R&B sensation, join us, we're pretty sure he's got other plans for the high holy days. So, if you are a member of Agudath Israel and would like to assist the Men's Club in its ushering program, please contact organizer Ken Levitt at

Duties include keeping order in the synagogue during the rabbi's sermon and while the ark is open, helping congregants find seats, and making sure each member has a mahzor. Shifts last no more than one hour.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Save the Date: Bourbon in the Booth on September 28

Celebrate Sukkot. With bourbon!

Following up on last year's wildly successful Scotch in the Sukkah event, the Men's Club is back with "Bourbon in the Booth". Join us on Tuesday, September 28, 7:45 for a tutorial and sampling of fine bourbons.

Cover is $20 and all paticipants will receive a commemorative glass while supplies last. Light snacks will be served. Participants must be 21 years of age or older.

Contact club president Marty Schenker for more info:

Men's Club General Meeting: Tuesday, August 10

The first general meeting of the Men's Club for the 2010-2011 programming year - and the first in the Marty Schenker administration - will be on Tuesday, August 10, 8 pm at Marty's home in West Caldwell.

On the agenda:

*Ushering for the high holy days.

*Sukkah building and take down

*Bourbon in the Booth Sukkah event

*October speaker event

All new members and their ideas are welcome.

For directions to Marty's house please contact him at