On Tuesday, September 28, 8 pm, the Men's Club will be hosting "Bourbon in the Booth" a follow-up to last year's wildly successful "Scotch in the Sukkah". Representatives from some of the bigger brand name bourbons will be on hand to teach about the crafting and tasting of this distinct whiskey. All CAI members and friends are welcome to this event, which has a $20 admission. All participants will receive a commemorative glass or flask while supplies last. Contact Mike Chiaet to RSVP or receive more info: mchiaet@gmail.com.
At right, Men's Club President Marty Schenker assists with organizing some of the roofing beams. At left, the team of builders puts it all together.
The Sukkah will come down on Sunday morning, October 3 at 9:45. All new members are welcome to help with this important project.